
I have shown up to bring leadership to our city. I volunteer to get things done!

I believe that the future of Columbia Heights should be environmentally sustainable.

* Member of the Parks & Recreation Board
* Leader of the Fall 2021 Central Ave Trash Clean-up in Columbia Heights where 210 pounds of trash was cleaned up from Central Ave and nearby public parks
* Leader for the Adopt-A-Park program to pick up trash in Ostrander Park
* Volunteer with Tree Trust and the City to plant trees in Keyes Park * Volunteer with the Mayor’s Monarch Pledge to support pollinator habitats
* Volunteer as a Storm Drain cleaner for my block to keep pollution out of our watershed

Safe Community for Everyone

I value public safety for everyone! Everyone deserves to be safe in our city, no matter who they are.

* Volunteer as a member of Multicultural Advisory Committee of the Columbia Heights Police Department for 6 years
* Leader of two community-wide domestic violence awareness forums in partnership with the Alexandra House
* Organizer of a dialogue on race and policing in conjunction with youth, community members, and police
* Volunteer to assist on a forum on immigration and policing
* Block captain for 9 years

About Rachel James

Justice and Equity

I am running to bring all citizens to the table, and to increase our transparency and accountability.

* Leader of the first-ever Columbia Heights Town Hall on Race where 10 guests of color were invited to speak in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder
* Volunteer at the Columbia Heights Pride Festivals in 2019 and 2021 – Advocated for Proclamation
* Volunteer at the Vigil for Daunte Wright in Kordiak Park
* Volunteer at the COVID memorial in 2020 Leader with the Mayor’s Rapid Response Team, a diverse group of community leaders who support the Mayor in an escalating crisis, tragedy, or protests in Columbia Heights.
* Advocate at city council on behalf of affordable housing

Get Involved!

Education and empowerment

I have made a career out of serving children and youth and I believe in the power of education and empowerment for our young people.

* Leader in bringing backpack food program to Columbia Heights public schools with Every Meal and volunteer to distribute meals
* Mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters in the Columbia Heights Schools for 5 years
* Volunteered with Vote Yes campaign for the schools
* Volunteered with Highland Elementary PTO
* Parent Liaison on School Equity Committee
* Girl Scout leader in Columbia Heights
* Volunteered with Hope4Youth, Anoka County’s only youth shelter, advocating to have services developed here in Columbia Heights for homeless youth

About Rachel James

Connected Communities

I believe in building more engagement and stronger neighborhood connections in Columbia Heights.

* Volunteer at the SACA food shelf, sorting food donations, delivering groceries, and raising money
* Volunteered at Crestview Nursing Home, bringing youth to sing for residents, clean up the grounds and assist in holiday events
* Peace Fest Symposium Speaker at Science of Spirituality Meditation Center awarded Peace prize in 2018
* Leader at local church
* Coordinate resources for families, people struggling with disabilities, and neighborhood children
* Create safe space for LGBTQ community – especially youth
* Emcee Mayor’s prayer breakfast, advocating for inclusivity with youth and other religions in the prayer breakfast * Lead at the Afterschool program